Thursday, June 30, 2016

Blast With Water

At this reunion, the water balloons event was ramped up with the initiation of the water cannon. One of my ingenious brothers created the device. I'm not sure who had the most fun with it, the doctor/inventor himself or his sons and nephews!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wiffle Ball

A traditional activity at the Tribe of Dan reunion is playing Wiffle Ball, which is similar to baseball but is played with a plastic ball and bat. The game is suitable for all ages. Most of the tribe played today and in a phrase that is traditional for the Danites, I will say that "a good time was had by all!"

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Prairie Sky

As seen in Minnesota on our trip to Maranatha Bible School for a Tribe of Dan reunion the next few days. Occupants in the van are Ken and me, Ricky and Jasmine and Kerra. We're having a great time and expect to continue those sentiments when we join the larger family.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Off To College!

Kayleen left us today. It's kind of the start of her two-year teacher apprentice program at Faith Builders. But it would have to be just days after Rolin left the nest. There's fluttering in this mother heart... At least we get to see Kayl again in two weeks. And FB is only 4 hours away. And this is only a 5-week-long summer term. Can you tell I am trying to convince myself that we can do this?

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Groom and His Mom

How does this happen so quickly? Twenty-five years ago he was so tiny, so dependent on me, so needing of my care...and now he towers above me, is independent but loving and respectful to me, is a man courageous and skilled enough to have others depend on him. It was a delight to fill the mother of the groom role for Rolin at his wedding yesterday!   
                                                                                                    (photo credit: Kayleen Martin)

Saturday, June 25, 2016

They're Married!

Oh, that was beautiful in every way! Rolin and Joy are now husband and wife. Thank you to Jesus and everyone who made this special day possible...

Friday, June 24, 2016

Twin in the Kitchen

There are so many things I like about this scene - the beautiful summer sunlight we've been having, the tasty, very red watermelon that we were soon to have in our backyard barbeque with family, the fact that I have Jesus for these busy pre-wedding days and that I get to have my sis Anni in my kitchen to gab with and to ask me what she can do to help.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

In Other News...

After seeing the front page headline in a local newspaper today, I had to follow up yesterday's post with this pic. The coincidence is too funny! The MNR says it's not common to see a black bear in this area, therefore we are to use caution around one that does show up. I say when it comes to our Bear, though, they don't know what they're talking about.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Bear Has Arrived

This is really and truly the week of the wedding; the first guest-from-afar arrived today! Rolin, the groom-to-be, welcomed his friend Bear this afternoon, and it wasn't long until he was helping Bear get his devices in working order. (Entering another country had posed an issue for a bit.) The two pals had a great time reconnecting and doing the usual friendly "harassing of one another", as Bear puts it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Happy Summer!

Yes, things can really change in three months. This is the summer scene in my First day of the Season series. Click here to see last season's look.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Unique Campsite

This year at Church Camping the youth guys upped the elaborateness of their sleeping quarters from last year. The lower level of their cardboard "tent" slept six fellows and the upper level - the gabled area - slept one. A wooden pallet formed the floor/partition between the two levels, but the rest of the structure was cardboard (including very sturdy, supportive tubes used as pillars) and packing tape.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

On this day, I think of the fathers who have influenced my life so profoundly. My own father, my father-in-law, my children's father, my grandfathers and the spiritual fathers/teachers I have had along the way come to mind. The positive impact these good and godly men have had on me is a precious gift from my Heavenly Father and I am grateful. I chose to post this pic of my dad today in appreciation for the relationship he's built with me. Part of the strength and beauty of it is that he has invested in the lives of my children, too. (If you think I can stir up these old photos and heart memories without crying...well, you must not know me very well!)

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Stunning Debut

There's something about the first roses in June...that catches one's eye. I love the multi-colored feature of the blooms on this bush. Plus, they're so brilliant against the dark fence boards. Roses symbolize many things, but I am glad they just are, too. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Special Evening

My birthday celebration just keeps going! Last night Ken arranged for our children and their spouse, fiancée and special friend to be here for my birthday supper and games afterward. Ken grilled hamburgers and the girls made one of my favorite salads with spinach from our garden and Ontario strawberries from Martin's store. Dessert was predictable but delish - DQ ice cream birthday cake. When supper was over, we played numerous games of Spikeball in the back yard and then topped off the wonderful evening with family devotions together. Oh, my - happy sigh - this mama heart is full.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Teacher Friends

This group of lovely ladies includes my daughter and daughter-in-law and two of their co-teachers at the School Picnic today. Their smiles likely indicate happiness and friendship, as well as gladness in the school year coming to a close. I hope satisfaction is in there somewhere, too, for a job well done. It's a high calling to influence so many young lives in a positive way and the CCS staff is up to the challenge. I pray God rewards them all bountifully.
                                                                                                  (Photo credit: Kerra Martin)

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Birthday Supper

My man took me out to eat last night to celebrate my birthday. I chose the type of restaurant, and he chose which particular one by reading online reviews. The place was called My-Thai. My Thai dish was cashew shrimp, and it was amazing! The food reminded us of our time at Andaman White Sands Resort in Thailand a couple years ago. The Thai cashew dishes are among our favorites.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Birthday Girls

It's such a joy to share a birthday every year with this pal, my look-alike and bosom buddy, my twin sis Annette. The photo was taken about 50 years ago, back when we looked even more alike than we do now. I love this pic, but I treasure our friendship/twinship more. Here's to another 50-plus years with you, Anni!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Gift Tag

I sometimes wonder, when I see leaves such as these, if God thinks as He shapes them, "To you, with love".

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Evening Snack

What's the go-to food when you get home from church on a Sunday night? Ice cream, of course!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Memory-laden Scent

A bouquet of peonies graced my kitchen today. Whenever their scent wafted over to me on the breeze, I thought of Mom-Eva. She loved peonies and would often gather bouquets of them from the peony bushes in her garden. I can picture her going over to their generous blooms, breathing in deeply and exclaiming, "Oh, these peonies make the whole world smell good!" I thought of Mom also because yesterday would have been her seventy-third birthday.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Sweets to the Sweet

When you know the bride-to-be is sweet enough already, but you give the shower gift anyway...she and the groom-to-be can have something to hand out to guests, if nothing else. And sure enough, the littlest sister is already wanting to come and visit.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Warm Dessert For Supper

Dishes containing rhubarb abound this time of year. One online recipe took my eye and ended up taking my palate as well: Rhubarb Upside-Down Cake. I followed the suggestion to bake the cake in a cast iron skillet in the oven (I liked the down-to-earth feel of that) and tweaked the recipe (as I often do) to use some sour buttermilk that I had in the fridge...the result was a tender and flavorful cake with that signature tang of rhubarb. Yumm!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Lettuce Make Salad

Last night was Rolin's stag, wherein the guys in his wedding party and other family members and friends gathered to play baseball, eat pizza and celebrate the groom-to-be. Even though it was an all-male event, we ladies contributed by doing some preparation at our house beforehand; the food and campfire part of the stag took place in our back yard. Ricky, the chief planner of the evening, got his youngest sister to make a massive bowl of Caesar salad. If the bowl coming back empty means anything, Kerra made it gooood!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Li'l Darling

One more picture from Martin Camping: this Miss Schnookums. There's something about the little people that adds so much to a family's together time - the newness, the vulnerability, the inquisitiveness, and definitely in this case, the cuteness!

Monday, June 6, 2016

The Hiding Place

"Don't tell anybody we're in here! Act like you don't see us! Close the door when you go out!" These hushed and urgent instructions came from under the pantry shelf as I put away some dishes at the cottage. Two of my nieces were playing Hide and Seek in Pairs with some younger cousins - all part of the fun at Martin Family Camping 2016.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Happy Camper

The smile on my nephew's face says it for us all: "We love Martin Camping!" We had a marvelous weekend, with sunshine a good part of the time and great family camaraderie all around. There'll be another host of amazing memories to file away from our 2016 camping experience.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Pondering Togetherness

One of my first glimpses of family members at Martin Camping this morning was this couple, the patriarch and matriarch of the tribe, deep into a chess game in a quiet corner. I've learned a lot of valuable things about life and love by observing these grateful I am that they said "I do" all those years ago!

Friday, June 3, 2016

Gearing Up

Looks like someone's going camping, and it's us! The annual Martin Family Camping is coming right up. "Lord willing and the creek don't rise piles of camping gear do rise", we'll be heading to Sauder's Cottage (or camping mansion, whichever one prefers) this afternoon.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Look what I got to write on the whiteboard calendar in the kitchen! Only 3.5 weeks now until the big day...