Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Fun New Flower

I didn't keep the plastic potted label when I planted this new-for-me flower purchased at Wal-Mart this spring. (Note to self: keep the label for the times ladies ask the name of that pretty plant, and for the time you are pleased with the plant's performance and think you may wish to plant that same kind another year.) Somebody told me it's a mandevilla, and I thought, "What a lovely name to go with a lovely flowering plant" but I vaguely remembered the name on the label starting with a "D". So I looked it up on trusty google and I decided yes, it must be mandevilla from the description it gave, kept describing the trellis or some such I would need for supporting the vines. My mandevilla is not vining yet, nor does it seem like it ever will in the future. Then I discovered that it is actually a dipladenia, which is a member of the mandevilla family, but it is more like a shrub than a vine. Dipladenia is a fun name for a fun plant, too.


  1. Oh Delightful! A Dynamic Dipladenia and Dusty Miller in a Darling Pot! :-)

  2. Thanks for the Amazing Alliteration! :)
