Friday, May 5, 2017

Remembering Mom-Eva Theme: Pic #2

Mom was a lover of nature. She passed along this interest to me through the hands-on activities she initiated with us children when I was young, and through her own passion in discovering God's creation. From her, I learned how to identify many of Wisconsin's spring flowers and numerous kinds of birds. She taught me that this flower is called bloodroot because of the reddish sap that oozes out of its stem like blood when you break it. That mottled leaf in the top left-hand corner of the pic belongs to a flower called adder's tongue; it's also known as trout lily (named thus for looking like the skin of a fish). How I would love to take a tramp through the spring woods with Mom again!  


  1. She and Faye went to White Pine Nature Center with us for a guided tour. Our home school science class...
