Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Remembering Mom-Eva Theme: Pic #7

This is a pair of Mom's glasses. She must have worn them a long time and a long time ago - they are so bent at the hinges that I couldn't get a good shot of them just resting on the table. The teardrop style also gives a clue as to which era she got them in. She resisted going from her regular prescription lenses to bifocals when that switch became necessary. That's one thing I think of when I see Mom's glasses. Another is her love of reading. And I also think of her way of looking at the world - through the lenses of curiosity, wonder, and teachability. I'm grateful for the gift of her outlook on life.


  1. So enjoyed this theme and the glimpses into the life of your mom! Happy Mother's Day ☺

    1. Thanks, Bethany. And Happy Mom's Day right back to you.

  2. What a great theme for Mother's Day week! I loved your mom and it is fun to remember her.

    1. So special of you to post your comments along my memory trail, Shirley. It gives me joy to remember her together.
