Monday, November 6, 2017

Solitary Theme: Pic #5

Yesterday Ken and I attended the dedication of the Zion congregation's new church building. (Zion is a sister church to Grace, where we attend.) The old Zion church building had beautiful wooden structures and features which the church members wanted to preserve by incorporating them in the new church. This huge clock in the sanctuary of the new building is one of those pieces. It used to be an ornamental part of the overhead trim work (and likely had a functional aspect that I don't know about), hanging as the central point of the auditorium ceiling. It was fashioned into a clock, the brainchild and major work of Phil Roth and finished by Chervin Custom Woodworks. I love the way it was designed, in keeping with the beautiful decorative theme chosen for the integrated items.


  1. In all fairness, Phil Roth should really get the credit for most of the work of making this clock. Chervin only finished it.

    1. Thanks, KB. Good to know. I will make those changes. :)
