Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Found in Jordan Theme: Pic #7

Ken and his camel (and probably more of mine) are supposed to be on this pic, too, but there are reasons they're not. We had just come back from a very adventurous segment of our journey, the last part of which was a camel meander, and our guide showed up just in time to help us dismount and take our money and a photo. He was juggling the two camel ropes and Ken's phone while trying to get us two lined up in front of The Treasury (that beautiful, famous façade carved into the Petra rock) when Ken's camel decided it had had enough. It snorted in disgust and promptly knelt down frontward. Ken had no choice but to disembark. So that is how this rather slanted pic of just me and the top half of my camel in front of the Treasury at Petra came to be.

1 comment:

  1. I love this picture! Thanks for sharing about your trip, Danette! So fun and interesting.
