Thursday, January 25, 2018

Week #48 Theme: Ladies' Retreat

Last weekend I attended an annual event for my "sisters" from Grace Church: The Ladies' Retreat. I always anticipate it for weeks ahead, and always delight in it greatly the weekend of. On my blog this week, I will post some pics highlighting various aspects of the Retreat 2018. Today's photo shows a foursome concentrating on some version or other of dominoes. Playing games is a prominent part of the weekend. Some ladies enjoy games that have been around for a long time; ones that show up at Retreat year after year. Others go for word games of any kind, while some ladies head toward the strategy-type games. (the games whose equipment takes up considerable yardage on the table and whose time span easily takes up considerable numerals on the clock) And then there's the exciting group games played with a large group of excitable-under-pressure women sitting in a circle in the lounge. I have lovely memories of all of the above, at some point over the years.

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