Monday, February 29, 2016

Trying This Out

I love to write. I love to take pictures. (even though I'm only an amateur photographer with a plain-jane camera) They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so if I post a photo every day, I'm writing at least a thousand words a day. Yes! 

About a year ago, I met a author/photographer lady with sparkling eyes framed in smile-crinkles. After browsing her display of fantastic nature scenes, I wistfully remarked that I would love to start a photo-a-day blog someday, and she said, simply, "Why don't you?" 

"Well," I have asked myself many times since, "why don't I?" The answers have been more excuse than reason. Hence the beginning of this blog. 

Doors fascinate me. For me, starting up this photo blog is a set of doors - red doors, I think - much like the ones in the photo; the ones at Benmiller Inn near Goderich, Ontario. Intriguing and exciting. I'm going to open them! 

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