Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Gearing Up For TriniTrip

While "the weather outside is frightful", Ken and I are reading the Trinidad & Tobago section of travel books and I'm thinking about tropical flowers in abundance when I see my windowsill orchid in bloom against a backdrop of snow banks. Our flight departs tonight, God willing. My next blog photos should depict warmer climes.


  1. Oh, that sounds wonderful! I hope your trip is everything you need to rest, relax, and feel rejuvenated. By the way, I found your blog not too long ago and I want to write comments. :-) So if you see an overload of comments from me, that is why. I was a student at MBS and I know your dad fairly well. I got to know Troy and Sharon when they lived in Hartville. I lived in Ohio for 10 years before moving back to GA.

    1. I would say our trip fit your description. :) It is fun to discover new friends through this blog - thanks for identifying yourself. And I don't mind if you want to comment frequently!
