Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Old Theme: Pic #7

"The lines have fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly (and godly) heritage." Psalm 16:6

My Grandpa LeRoy Schrock often quoted this verse. He was devoted to God and he valued family, and it showed. I treasure this pic which captures a meeting of the old and young. My sister took it when she introduced her little Jewel to Grandpa mere months before his death in June 2015. Yes, I love this photo of Grandpa, but it certainly makes me miss him!  
                                                                   (Photo credit - Faye Eby)



  1. Thank you for sharing, Danette. We have such wonderful memories of this man. What a blessing he was to us! Christina

  2. Thanks for commenting, Christina. I think Grandpa touched the lives of many, many people!
