Thursday, August 18, 2016

Corny Thoughts

1. This is another shot from yesterday's Corn Day. 2. This was high-yield corn, as indicated by the tight kernels going right to the tip of the cob. 3. A number of years back, I changed my method of freezing corn. Now I cut the kernels off before cooking and cooling the corn, and I like that way so much better. 4. I would really hate to do corn without a Cutco knife; I am just that spoiled. 5. At first glance, one might say think this is Peaches-n-cream corn. It probably isn't. It is no doubt a bi-color kind, but it likely has another name. The Knowledgeable Farmer in this family says that people have made the Peaches-n-cream name the standard term for the best corn just like they've come to call their favorite cherries, Bing cherries, whether they really are or not. 6. I read (on the Internet, so take this cob with a grain of salt) that the term "corny" comes from bad jokes and riddles that were put into mail order seed catalogues in the early 1900's to help increase interest and sales for the seed companies. These poor quality jokes were first called corny catalogue jokes and later were shortened to corny jokes and finally, anything that is a fail at trying to be funny can be called corny. 7. With these thoughts in mind, I will end this corny post.

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