Sunday, October 30, 2016

Remembering Randy

Fifteen years ago today we welcomed and said goodbye to our tiny baby boy in the space of a minute or two, because he came much too early to survive. It was comforting to go to his grave this evening to share memories, tears and hugs with loved ones we still have with us. I am deeply grateful to know that a tender Father continues to hold us all In His Hands.
                                                                                                    (Photo credit: Ricky Martin)


  1. Hugs to you as you remember and yes, I am deeply grateful as well!

  2. Thanks for the hugs. I have the sense that you understand this remembering business.

  3. Oh Danette. Hard to believe it's 15 years. Beautiful monument. Grateful for comfort. In His hands here or there and in the passing too.

    1. Thanks, Elaine. Beautiful way to word it...that last sentence.
