Sunday, August 6, 2017

Found Out West Theme: Pic #4

We had such a beautiful day and had such fine company (twin sis & family) to enjoy it with when we hiked up the Oregon mountain called Tom Dick & Harry. Here are us four trippers on the mountaintop, with Mt. Hood in the background.                                                                                                  - Photo credit: one of the Bechtels 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Linda. We are kind of squinty-eyed, but the pic brings back a lot of fun memories, anyway. :)

  2. Beautiful pictures! I would enjoy seeing another week (or weeks!) of found-out-west pictures! :)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Karen. I will probably be posting some more out-west pics in other themes in the weeks to come, so watch for those. :)
