Friday, January 12, 2018

Birds Theme: Pic #2

This little sparrow sitting on an orchard post and singing in the rain last summer reminds me of a fun song I learned in school as a 5th-grader. "If I were a little bird, happy would I be...tee-mee eye tee-mee um-a-tum, tee-mee um-a-tee...I'd be a merry bird - say, wouldn't you?"


  1. Ohhhhh my. And this song brings to my mind memories of first grade and Merlin Bontrager (I believe) selecting a song and giving the title as "Tee- mee Eye Tee-mee Um-a-tum Tee-mee Um-a-tee" 😂

    1. Ha ha. Thanks for the fun memory of Happy Hollow days!
