Sunday, June 25, 2017

Animal Homes Theme: Pic #4

On Wednesday evening when we got out of our van in the church parking lot, a mama killdeer bird was screeching and doing the classic broken-wing act, like we had parked on her nest or something. This morning we parked in the same general area at church and when we came out to the parking lot after the service, the mama bird was "accusing" us again. So we looked for her nest and Kerra spotted the eggs on the gravel not far from our van tires. I marvel at the camouflage skills and protective nature that God has given the killdeer. 


  1. This brings back memories. We used to have these birds in our pasture at home and one year my brother kept an eye on them and we got to see the babies soon after they hatched! They don't hang around their nest long after hatching so that was pretty neat.

    1. Wow, that would've been a treat to see the babies. I have heard, too, that one has a narrow window of time to catch that sight.
