Thursday, June 15, 2017

Week #16 Theme: My Favorites

This week I will post pics that reflect some of my favorite things. I will say right now that I won't be able to include ALL of my favorites and I won't be posting them in order of importance. I also know that with posting pics of people, I run the risk of appearing to be selective, to have some people as favorites and others not. For instance, you may never see your picture in my blog this week. Please rest assured that this does not mean you aren't my favorite reader. (For another instance, I should be posting a pic of Ken for my very first favorite. But I'm not, and we all know that that doesn't mean anything about who's at the top of my list.) Anyway, the photo I am posting actually reflects two of my favorites: birthdays, and the gal I share them with. June 14 is one of my favorite days of the year, and Annette is my favorite twin. Yesterday, we turned another year older and although we didn't get to be together, we celebrated each other, thanks to email. This picture of us was taken many birthdays ago...close to half a century! It looks like I enjoyed birthdays and my twin back then already.


  1. Awwwww. Love the picture! Happy Birthday!!

    1. Thanks, Bethany! (You're one of my favorite readers. :) )

  2. That's just too cute! Are you on the left? And did your Mom always make you each your own cake? Love it! :)

    1. Yes, Colleen, I am the one on the left. You're good! I don't think Mom often made us each our own cake. Unless I just forget. I remember sharing lots of things, including cakes. Fun memories!

  3. My guess too is that you're on the left. Right? Pun?

    1. Left? Right? Take your pick. I'm the one that's left.
