Wednesday, June 21, 2017

My Favorites Theme: Pic #7

My favorite June flower: the profuse and fragrant peony. I could call this particular gathering of peony blooms, A Bowlful of Memories. Mom-Eva's birthday was in June and the peonies she loved bloomed around her birthday time; to this day the sight and smell of them reminds me of her. She'd bury her nose into a peony bouquet and say, "These make the whole world smell good!" Thoughts of her beauty-appreciation perfume my world, too. 


  1. That is also a favorite for me, remembering the bushes that would come awake in our yard every spring. I never see them down here in Florida and miss them!

    1. I can see why you miss them! I'm guessing there are gorgeous in-Florida-only flowers that you have come to love, as well.
